Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ft. Wayne Childrens Zoo

Nathan getting ready to "hit the trails"
Daddy walking with the ultimate horse girl
Kaytlann posing with her monkey friend

Nathan on his iguana friend

Kaytlann had to have a picture like her big brother

Kaytlann and Daddy after the carousel ride

The annual picture of Dad & Nathan by the John Deere tractor by the farm house

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Josh's Easter basket filled with goodies!!

Kaytlann got some My Little Pony stuff from the Easter Bunny!

Nathan looking for eggs

Kaytlann ready to go to Easter Mass

Kaytlann with the bunny she won from the church egg hunt - Just her size!

The Three Amigos looking for eggs at Grandma Curry's!

Kaytlann and Makayla getting ready for the egg race!

Josh and Aunt Brenda waiting inside for the kids to bring the Easter goodies to them

Uncle Chad and Aunt Neenah on a chocolate high from the kids' Easter egg hunt!

Kaytlann racing for eggs at the church's egg hunt while Nathan was at his soccer game

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Boys Birthdays

Nathan & Josh celebrated their birthdays together and we had an "Army" themed party. Josh turned 17 and Nathan turned 6.

Josh bought his brother a really "loud" and "annoying" police car which was his favorite gift!

Nathan really liked his police car lego set which only took about 6 hours to put together.

My two boys!! Aren't they cute?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Soccer Time!!

Nathan & Grandpa Hoff snuggling in the cold day!!

We couldn't get a lot of action shots as Nathan liked to wait until the ball came to him. He didn't think the other kids were very nice because they didn't "share" the ball. Maybe next year?