Friday, July 31, 2009

Posey Peddler in a Parade

The Posey Peddler entered our first parade this summer and we had a blast!! Our awesome Celeste designed the concept and set everything up. The whole family came out for the fun and we are already thinking of our next year's entry as we are going to upgrade to a regular flatbed trailer instead of the hillbilly van!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Toledo Zoo

We were able to meet up with Dan's brother Brad, his wife Michelle and their daughters Hayley & Hannah to go to the Toledo Zoo this weekend and the kids had a blast at the new Neighborhood exhibit.
Kaytlann & Mom on the carousel.
Nathan holding the guinea pig

Kaytlann holding the guinea pig after we painted a butterfly on her face

Hayley and Nathan driving the Cadillac

Hannah & Kaytlann driving the Pink Mustang

The girls proud of their necklaces they just made

Two little spiders climbing up the web

Playing in the sand

Nathan in the stream

Kaytlann being a beautiful butterfly

Dad being silly with the kids